Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yummy Pork Chops

¼ cup soy sauce
2 cups Italian salad dressing
½ teaspoon black pepper
4 boneless pork chops

1. In a bowl, mix the salad dressing, soy sauce and pepper. Place the chops
into the bowl and allow to marinate for 20-30 minutes. Reserve the marinade.

2. After marinating, place the pork chops in a skillet over medium heat
and cover with the reserved marinade. Cover the skillet and cook the pork
chops 25 minutes, turning occasionally. Remove cover, reduce heat to low
and simmer the chops until cooked to desired doneness.

Cook’s Notes: I used Newman’s Own Italian Salad Dressing, but I think
that any Italian dressing will do. The pork chops I had were about
¾ inches thick and I cooked them for 25 minutes, turning them every
5 minutes or so. After the chops had cooked for 25 minutes, I checked
for doneness and they were, well, done! We served this dish with some
basmati rice and a tossed salad. This recipe was incredibly easy to
make and was nothing short of delicious. Next time I make this,
I will marinate the chops all day in a zip-lok bag.

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