Sunday, November 25, 2007


Friends and Family,
I have sent out invitations to you so you can access this blog, the East of the Equator Cafe. The way it is currently set up, all of you can access the East of the Equator Cafe group in Google (earlier today invitations were sent out from the Google Group). In that group I have uploaded recipes, in PDF format, that you can access and either read on line or print. If you click on the link titled "East of the Equator Group" under the "Recipes" tab in the top left side of this blog you can access this group. I am hoping to populate the group with more recipes that I find and I hope that you do, too! I will also add some suggestions and tips that I have learned as the "Head Chef" for Deirdre all these years. I also would ask that if you have any suggestions to improve this blog or the group, please do not be shy. Share any idea you have as I certainly do not have the "good ideas" market cornered!


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